Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. Very few though have the same friend in all stages of life. There are some friendships that we remember forever. Those are the friendships that were formed when we were kids . This growing up friendship is always memorable. The quality of the friendship was not […]


To make or become different is not easy .It is difficulty to change unless we focus on our thinking. Change can evoke emotions like uncertainty and fear. People naturally resist change and the change takes time. Imagine changing a nomad into a farmer. It will take a while before he forgets holding the stick and […]


In Exodus 4:2 God asked Moses, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff he replied,” Mosses used the simple staff to “fight”Pharaoh’s army which was well equipped and trained . At times , we just need to use what is at hand to make a difference . In the above picture, due to the […]

Ordinary People

Seemingly ordinary people often do extraordinary things. In her 2016 Christmas message, Queen Elizabeth said … ”I often draw strength from meeting ordinary people Doing extraordinary things: volunteers, carers, Community organizers and good neighbors, Unsung heroes whose quiet dedication makes them special” Those ordinary people have certain skills and attitudes which Enable them raise and […]

Birds of a feather flock together

Birds of a single species frequently form flocks. Birds of the same feather can also be seen “flying together Ornithologists explain the behavior as “safety in numbers The idiom can mean “people having similar characters, interests, backgrounds or beliefs may “flock” or “fly” together. Good people may tend to associate with good people while bad […]

Meat growing on trees

I came across, those chunks of meat on a tree. I was excited to find meat on a tree. “Meat growing on trees?” I asked. When I walked closer to see this wonder tree, I noted the meat was not growing from the tree. It was suspended from its branches . Could we grow meat […]


Roasting is a slow method of cooking meat. Roast meat is a favorite of mine and possibly yours. Every weekend and holiday, many people travel many kilometers in search of roast meat. Some meat joints are more popular than others due to the quality of roast meat they offer The above technique is an example […]


There is always a first time for everything. You may have been amused the first time you visited a big city. Its not different forms this donkey which visited the town for the first time.  The only road it had seen and crossed before was a “foot path”. It had grown strong enough and its […]


. Those boys are comfortable and happy of being who they are. One of them has indeed stood out amongst the others. He has dressed differently from the rest. He went an extra mile to look different. He now stands proudly tall amongst the others and so sure of himself. Lets be proud of who […]